Sunday, March 17, 2013

A love story like none other- The Bridges of Madison County

If you've ever experienced the one true love of your life, a love that for some reason could never be, you will understand why readers all over the world were moved by this small unknown novel, The Bridges of Madison County.

I must've read this on the back cover of the book which made me buy it. I am only assuming this. As I have no recollection of why I bought this book. I do know however when and where I purchased it. Like every book I own, on the first page, in my neatest hand writing, I write my name, the date and the book store I bought the book from. This one says 'Seema, Mumbai, Danai, 21 March 2003'.

I may not have remembered when, where and why the book made its way to me. However I have I never forgotten the book. It's the most poignant and beautiful love story that was ever written. It touched me when I read it all those years ago. And it touched me again tonight when I finally got around to watching the movie. 'Touched me' is an understatement. I am still crying and worried my iPad will malfunction on account of the salty tears that just don't seem to stop. 

It's a story about two strangers, from different worlds who spend four days together and experience a love that lasts them a lifetime. Except they spent that lifetime apart from each other. Most people spend a lifetime together and never feel such love.

Like Robert Kincaid, Clint Eastwood's character says "We're hardly two separate people now. Some people search all their life for this and never find it, others don't even think it exists".

Can a love that is so short lived be true love? Can you live a lifetime in four days? Or just one night? Can you love someone for all your life, when you spend most of that lifetime away from each other? Is it really love if no one else but you can understand it? Is it still love if its in your heart, but not in your life?

The simple answer to all these questions is YES. 

There will be no doubt in your mind, and you will just know in your heart when it happens to you. 

As Robert says "This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime."

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