Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Fairy Tale Jargon

Prince - an imaginary creature who is handsome, brave, chivalrous, charming and rich

Castle - Prison

Fairy Godmother - Girlfriends

Ball gown - Cocktail dress

Evil witches - Mother-in-laws

Once upon a time - This happened to my friend

Fire-breathing dragons - Bitchy colleagues

White horse - Orange Lamborghini 

Enchanted sleep - Afternoon nap (with no kids at home)

Dwarf - Lord Tyrion

Balls - Girls night out

Evil step sisters - Mean girls from high school/ Ladies at kitty party

The One - The one of many

Frogs - Dates

True love's kiss - Hopefully-this-is-true-love's kiss

Happily ever after - Illusion

Qualifier- I am a hopeless romantic. I adore fairy tales and am a sucker for love stories. Over the years I may have become a lot more cynical and skeptical. But all it's takes is seeing a couple walk hand in hand in the grocery store smiling at each other, to make me melt. I am the most the naive person I know. Naive enough to still believe in true love. I am surrounded with couples who embody it, which keeps the faith alive. Though every once in awhile I roll my eyes and question it all. This post is a product of one such time. And also because I love being flippant and making people smile with my writing :) 

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